Friday, August 28, 2015

493 Senior Portfolio Plan

Hi! My name is Nicole Jackson and I am a Modeler, Texture Artist and Rigger. My plan for this semester is as follows.  (See edit at bottom of post)

early September (2-3 weeks) - Model and texture a high detail, semi-complex, prop item to practice hard surface modeling.

late September thru October - Sculpt and retopologize a creature character model. It will be a highly detailed, highly textured, muscular creature to emphasize sculpting and anatomy. I will be learning and using zBrush during this time.

November thru December - Rig the creature created in September and create a simple, short animation to show off the model (such as a run cycle). During this time I may try to learn concepts such as Maya muscle and Maya hair.

If I have time - Revisit and revise older projects (Faun and Deep Sea Creature). I will add more detail in zBrush, retexture in Substance Painter and, if I have time, add basic rigs to each.

Goals for this semester:
~To create a finished creature model to showcase in my portfolio
~To create a rig to further my knowledge and demonstrate my rigging skills
~To create a hard surface model to show range of skills
~To learn zBrush
~To learn Substance Painter

If I have time:
~To learn Maya hair and Maya muscle
~To revisit and polish older projects for my portfolio

EDIT: Due to a busier schedule than originally predicted and an injury, I have decided to change my schedule for senior portfolio. I would much rather have two really nice projects for my portfolio than two mediocre projects and a rig so I have changed my schedule to the following.

 by October 22nd - Finish Carnivorous Plant Project

October 22nd till end of semester - Sculpt and texture a creature

If I finish early, I will revisit my faun and/or deep sea creature and get them ready for my portfolio