Friday, September 4, 2015

Week 2

For my first project I have decided to do a carnivorous plant. I plan to be working on this project for the next two weeks, however I have 3 weeks allowed for this project if I need that time to finish up. So far I have come up with some concept art and have just started building the base mesh for the pot.

This a piece of concept I found and used as inspiration.

 This is my own concept art that I created for this project.

The base mesh for the pot that I have just started.

Job Research

I looked at a few different company's websites and found the career page for Dreamworks Animation. They don't have a lot of relevant job openings at the moment but they provide a very extensive list of what skills people seeking the job should have and what they are expecting for the jobs they do list. I am not expecting to work somewhere like Dreamworks immediately but that it the career type I am aiming for. It seems that several of the jobs require experience with rigging so I am glad that I have some rigging experience and I think it would be a good idea to develop those skills since rigging is a highly desired skill in industry.

Blue Sky Studios also has a few job openings.

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