Friday, November 6, 2015

Week 11

This week I have been working on texturing my carnivorous plant project. It took me a while to get the file ready and imported into Substance Painter (I had to revisit a few of the Substance Painter Fundamentals videos from 420) but I finally got it imported and was also able to import a normal map that I created in zBrush (although it was upside down to begin with---strange).

I spent about 10 hours or so texturing it and I am pretty happy with how it is turning out. I haven't gotten very far on the pot and roots yet but those shouldn't take very long at all to texture compared to the plant, which is now finished. I also worked on exporting some of the maps to make sure it was working correctly. I also noticed that there is a preset for Sketchfab which is where I was planning to put this model so that was a great find. It seems like it will export the model and textures straight to my account there so it will make exporting the whole thing a lot easier.

My textured plant model in Substance Painter:

Pot and Roots, WIP:

At the moment, I'm losing a lot of the detail of the pot so I'll have to find ways of bringing some of that detail back. Also, I haven't gotten to the dirt yet so, at the moment, it is the same color as the pot. I did have the dirt finished but then substance painter crashed and I lost an hour or two of work. So, now, I'm working to repeat the work that I lost.

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