Friday, December 11, 2015

Week 15

This week I have been working on creating a zsphere armature that will be the basis of the Therizinosaurus sculpt. I tried to recreate the proportions of the concept orthigraphics as close as possible with zspheres. It is not quite right in some areas (such as the face) where the zspheres couldn't quite recreate properly but I will fill in those areas later with zsketch and/or sculpting. I am also much happier with how the front of the dinosaur is turning out. I was having problems drawing it but once I had the 3D shapes to move around I was able to get what I wanted much quicker. While working on this armature I noticed that I was able to work a lot better and more efficiently with zspheres, as well as zBrush in general, than I have in the past. That has made me quite happy since learning zBrush was one of my main goals at the beginning of the semester. The next step for this project is to do a few more tweaks to the armature until I am really happy with it and then start using zsketch over the top of the zspheres. I haven't had good luck with zsketch in the past so I will see if I can get better results this time.

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