Friday, December 4, 2015

Week 14

This week I've been working on refining the orthographics. I changed up the proportions and tried to make the anatomy more accurate (at least as accurate as dinosaur anatomy from an incomplete skeleton can be). I also started working on the front orthographics but I've never been very good at translating side orthos to front orthos. I don't like how it is turning out so I'll need to work on it quite a bit before I'm happy with it.

1 comment:

  1. With animals the bone structure does not always show where the skin would fall. With cartilage there can be extra structures where there can be skin and fur. Think about our skulls if we were to just lay skin over them we would not have the protruding nose or ears. You can add parts to the dinosaur to help with the silhouette even if it is not coming from the skeletal structure. Since we do not know what these animals looked liked you have a lot of room to work with. to make it your own.
