Friday, October 2, 2015

Week 6

This week I have been continuing sculpting my carnivorous plant. I decided to redo the head so that I could work with symmetry turned on and I am very happy with how it is turning out so far. At first, I was going to give it actual teeth but then I decided that I'd rather give it teeth like a venus flytrap and I am happy with how that turned out.

Once I was finished with the head, I created a tongue and placed that. I like the look of it but I also like it without it so I haven't made up my mind yet if I'm going to leave it in or not.

I also did some work on the stem of the plant. I smoothed it out, filled in the areas that got compressed when I moved it around and worked on giving it a fibrous looking texture. I want it to be fairly smooth so just adding a little texture with the clay buildup brush worked well.

After I was happy with the stem, I moved on to work on the leaves. I was originally going to make the leaves solid and slightly thick like an asian pitcher plant (or an orchid) but, to make it look a bit more interesting, I have been playing around with a more tropical looking leaf with holes in it. I like the look of the leaves but I am having trouble moving them around and deforming them properly in zBrush. They tend to stretch as I move them and they are pretty stubborn. There must be a better way to deform things in zBrush but I haven't found it yet. I may end up sending the base leaf into Maya and then deform them in Maya and import them back into zBrush.

Lastly, I have begun working on the roots. I want the roots to look like orchid roots (venus flytrap roots are similar in appearance to orchid roots) so I started with a zsphere and then used zsketch to block out the root forms. This made it really easy because I can sketch a root shape and then move it around very easily. I am really happy with the effect I have gotten so far by doing it this way (and I haven't done anything other than sketch it out with zspheres).

The following is a video showing some of the work I did. (I lost a lot of it because zBrush crashed several times.)

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