Friday, October 16, 2015

Week 8

This week I have continued work on the carnivorous plant sculpt. I spent a lot of time trying out different leaf types and moving them around to get different shapes. I also tried to get holes in the leaf surface to see if that would look good but all of the methods I tried gave bad results. I wasn't able to get a good looking leaf with holes so I decided to go back to the nepenthes style leaf that I was originally going for. Once I was happy with the placement and shape of the leaves, I extracted the geometry and smoothed the leaves. I also added a vein down the center of the leaves. I also tried a another version of the leaves where the edges of the leaf were wavy but I didn't like the overall effect so I went back to the smooth leaf version.

Once the leaves were finished, it was time to start attaching them to the stem. To do this, I have been merging the leaves individually to the stem, dynameshing it to connect them and then using sculpting to smooth out the connection. This is a slow process because I had to move around the base of each leaf to make sure that there wouldn't be any clipping of the leaves and that there was sufficient space between each leaf. I am liking the look of it though so I think this will turn out well when I finish. The only problem I have with this is that the leaves are no longer separate from one another which could make it a lot harder to texture properly. I would prefer to have the leaves attached to the stem though.

Once I'm finished attaching all of the leaves, I 'm going to finish adding the roots and make small sculpted detail and then I will work on getting it into Substance Painter to texture it.

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