Friday, October 23, 2015

Week 9

Last week, I mainly worked on placing the leaves and getting the basic shape worked out. This week, I further tweaked the shape of the leaves and worked getting more interesting shapes into the leaves. I spent around 8-10 hours shaping the leaves, making the leaves wavy in certain areas, as well as connecting each individual leaf to the main stem.

I also spent several hours creating roots using zsketch and moving them around to get the shapes I wanted. I may decide to add a few more roots running down to the floor and/or in the back but, for now, I'm finished with the roots.

I am pretty much finished with the sculpting of the model. I may still add a few leaves around the plant's head because I feel it needs something. My original concept art has small thin leaves around the top of the stem but I wasn't liking the look I was getting with those. I am going to try larger, broader, leaves set up similar to flower petals. I was thinking about making them look like the hoods of american pitcher plants (below image).

The next step is to prepare a low poly mesh as well as getting it UVed. I am going to use zremesher to get the low poly models from the high poly ones and then I can bake the normal information onto it.

I also did some research for the color scheme I want to do. I'd like to do a primarily red color scheme with some lime green highlights. The images below are the approximate look I'm going for (as well as the image above).

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